Nama lain untuk nickname yang digunakan dalam program catting (mengobrol di internet)
Jumlah data yang dapat ditransfer
melalui jaringan dalam jangka waktu tertentu. Bandwidth biasanya ditentukan dalam satuan megabites per second (Mbps)
Singkatan untuk istilah Web Browser. Sebuah program yang digunakan
untuk mengakses World Wide Web (atau
internet), dan fasilitas lainnya. Saat ini terdapat beberapa program browser paling popular di dunia, yaitu
Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla,
Opera, MiniMo, dan Nestcape Navigator.
Sebuah program yang memungkinkan
kita bisa “ngobrol” dengan orang lain melalui internet. Akan tetapi media
komunikasi yang digunakan bukan suara (ucapan lisan), melainkan tulisan yang
kita ketik dengan keyboard computer.
Suatu mekanisme yang dipakai dalam
koneksi oleh computer server untuk menyimpan
dan mengambil informasi yang terdapat pada computer client.
Sebuah software yang mengontrol
modem dan mengurusi semua proses komunikasi antara computer dan ISP
Kumpulan nama yang kita buat
sendiri untuk menjelaskan masing-masing kelompok Newsgroup dan mailing list.
Proses pengambilan file dari server di internet untuk disimpan di computer client. Untuk proses sebaliknya, dinamakan upload.
Frequently Asked Question. Dokumen
penting yang berisi jawaban-jawaban atau penjelasan atas pertanyaan dari subjek
File Transfer Protocol. Suatu
protocol (aturan) yang dipakai secara luas d internet untuk mentransfer file
dari computer yang satu ke computer lainnya (atau dari computer ke internet dan
11. HTML
HyperText Mark-up Language. Bahasa
program yang digunakan untuk membuat situs web (web site). File HTML adalah
suatu format file yang dibuat dengan bahasa HTML dan biasanya dibuka dengan
program browser. Satu file HTML bisa diidentikkan dengan satu halaman web (web
12. HTTP
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol.
Salah satu protocol (aturan) yang digunakan untuk bertukar informasi di World
Wide Web (internet)
13. Intranet
Internet dalam skala/cakupan yang
lebih kecil. Biasanya dibuat untuk perusahaan atau organisasi tertentu.
14. ISP
Internet Service Provider.
Perusahaan yang menyediakan jasa layanan koneksi ke internet.
Daftar beberapa alamat email yang
digabung menjadi satu alamat email untuk memudahkan proses pengiriman pesan.
Biasanya untuk menjelaskan suatu
situs web (web site) yang isinya mengkopi atau menduplikasi isi situs web lain.
Mirror bertujuan untuk mengurangi kemacetan yang terjadi pada suatu jaringan.
Modulator/Demodulator. Hardware
yang memungkinkan computer dapat bertukar informasi dengan menggunakan saluran
telepon biasa.
Net Etiquette (etika berinternet).
Kumpulan peraturan, sopan santun dan ketentuan yang diterapkan sehingga
tercipta keteraturan dalam bersosialisasi melalui internet.
Suatu group yang mendiskusikan
topic yang sama di internet.
Network News Transfer Protocol.
Protocol yang digunakan untuk mentransfer informasi pada aplikasi newsgroup.
Post Office Protocol. Protocol
untuk mengurus penyimpanan pesan email pada ISP hingga kita siap untuk
22. Server
Merupakan pasangan dari client.
Jenis computer yang memilikikemampuanb lebih tinggi dan cepat dar computer
lain. Dalam internet, server merupakan tempat penyimpanan dokumen-dokumen web
milik situs web tertentu.
Istilah internet untuk menjelaskan
segala macam pesan atau berita menjengkelkan.
24. TCP/IP
Transmision Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol. Satu set protocol jaringan yang digunakan untuk
bertukar informasi di internet.
25. Upload
Mentransfer dokumen dari computer
kita ke computer server.
Uniform Resource Locator. System
penamaan alamat situs web (web site). Alamat URL adalah alamat halaman web (web
27. Web Page
Satu halaman web yang merupakan
bagian dari sebuah situs web secara keseluruhan. Satu web page umumnya identik
dengan satu fle HTML.
28. Web
Disebut juga site, situs, situs
web, atau portal. Merupakan kumpulan halaman web yang berhubungan antara satu
dengan yang lainnya.
29. World
Wide Web
Salah satu cara bagaimana kita
dapat saling bertukar informasi di internet. Sebagian orang berpendapat World
Wide Web (WWW) berbeda dengan internet. WWW adalah dunianya, sedangkan internet
adalah nama jaringannya.
1. Alias
Another name for the nickname used in the program catting (chatting on the internet)
2. Bandwidth
The amount of data that can be transferred through the network within a certain timeframe. Bandwidth is usually specified in units of megabites per second (Mbps)
3. Browser
Abbreviation for the term Web Browser. A program used to access the World Wide Web (or Internet), and other facilities. Currently there are several programs in the world's most popular browsers, namely Internet Explorer, Firefox, Mozilla, Opera, Minimo, and Netscape Navigator.
4. Chats
A program that allows us to "chat" with others via the internet. But the media were used instead of voice communication (verbal speech), but the text typed by the computer keyboard.
5. Cookies
A mechanism that is used in connection by the server computer to store and retrieve information contained on the client computer.
6. Dial-up Program
A software which controls the modem and take care of all the processes of communication between the computer and the ISP
7. Discussion Group
Collection of names of our own to explain each group Newsgroups and mailing lists.
8. Download
The process of taking files from a server on the internet to be stored on the client computer. For the reverse process, called uploading.
9. FAQ
Frequently Asked Question. Important documents that contain answers or explanations to the question of a specific subject.
10. FTP
File Transfer Protocol. A protocol (rules) that are used extensively d internet to transfer files from one computer to another computer (or from the computer to the internet and vice versa)
11. HTML
HyperText Mark-up Language. Language program used to create a web site (web site). HTML file is a file format created with HTML language and are usually opened with a browser program. The HTML file can be identified with a single web page (web page)
12. HTTP
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. One of the protocol (rules) used to exchange information on the World Wide Web (Internet)
13. Intranet
Internet in the scale / scope smaller. Usually made for specific companies or organizations.
14. ISP
Internet Service Provider. Companies that provide services to the internet connection service.
15. Mailing List
List of some email addresses are combined into a single email address to facilitate the process of sending a message.
16. Mirror
Usually to describe a web site (web site) whose content copying or duplicating the content of other web sites. Mirror aims to reduce the congestion that occurs on a network.
17. Modem
Modulator / Demodulator. Hardware that allows computers to exchange information using regular telephone lines.
18. Netiquette
Net Etiquette (ethics surf). Set of rules, manners and conditions are applied so as to create order in socializing through the internet.
19. Newgroup
A group discussing the same topic on the internet.
20. NTTP
Network News Transfer Protocol. Protocol used to transfer information on the newsgroup application.
21. POP
Post Office Protocol. Protocol to manage storage on the ISP's e-mail messages until we are ready to read it.
22. Servers
Is a partner of the client. Type of computer that memilikikemampuanb higher and faster dar another computer. In the Internet, a storage server web documents belong to a particular website.
HyperText Mark-up Language. Language program used to create a web site (web site). HTML file is a file format created with HTML language and are usually opened with a browser program. The HTML file can be identified with a single web page (web page)
12. HTTP
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. One of the protocol (rules) used to exchange information on the World Wide Web (Internet)
13. Intranet
Internet in the scale / scope smaller. Usually made for specific companies or organizations.
14. ISP
Internet Service Provider. Companies that provide services to the internet connection service.
15. Mailing List
List of some email addresses are combined into a single email address to facilitate the process of sending a message.
16. Mirror
Usually to describe a web site (web site) whose content copying or duplicating the content of other web sites. Mirror aims to reduce the congestion that occurs on a network.
17. Modem
Modulator / Demodulator. Hardware that allows computers to exchange information using regular telephone lines.
18. Netiquette
Net Etiquette (ethics surf). Set of rules, manners and conditions are applied so as to create order in socializing through the internet.
19. Newgroup
A group discussing the same topic on the internet.
20. NTTP
Network News Transfer Protocol. Protocol used to transfer information on the newsgroup application.
21. POP
Post Office Protocol. Protocol to manage storage on the ISP's e-mail messages until we are ready to read it.
22. Servers
Is a partner of the client. Type of computer that memilikikemampuanb higher and faster dar another computer. In the Internet, a storage server web documents belong to a particular website.
23. SPAM
The term Internet to describe all sorts of annoying messages or news.
24. TCP / IP
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. A set of network protocol used to exchange information on the Internet.
25. Upload
Transferring documents from our computer to the server computer.
26. URL
Uniform Resource Locator. System naming the web site address (web site). URL address is the address of a web page (web page).
27. Web Page
One web page that is part of an overall web site. One web page is generally identical to the one HTML fle.
28. Web Site
Also called site, web sites, or portals. Is a collection of web pages associated with each other.
29. World Wide Web
One of the ways how we can exchange information on the Internet. Some think the World Wide Web (WWW) is different from the internet. The WWW is his world, while the Internet is the network name.
The term Internet to describe all sorts of annoying messages or news.
24. TCP / IP
Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. A set of network protocol used to exchange information on the Internet.
25. Upload
Transferring documents from our computer to the server computer.
26. URL
Uniform Resource Locator. System naming the web site address (web site). URL address is the address of a web page (web page).
27. Web Page
One web page that is part of an overall web site. One web page is generally identical to the one HTML fle.
28. Web Site
Also called site, web sites, or portals. Is a collection of web pages associated with each other.
29. World Wide Web
One of the ways how we can exchange information on the Internet. Some think the World Wide Web (WWW) is different from the internet. The WWW is his world, while the Internet is the network name.
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