
Kamis, 17 Mei 2012


 Cue communication technology is communicate with the media cue (signal), among others : ray / light, smoke, whistles, drums, kentongan, semaphore  (flag), signaling the limbsand so forth.
 Teknologi komunikasi isyarat adalah berkomunikasi dengan media isyarat (sinyal), antara lain : sinar/cahaya, asap, peluit, genderang, kentongan, semaphore, isyarat anggota badan dan sebagainya.
 The purpose of this communication is for information (news) can be accepted and understood by the recipients .
Tujuan komunikasi ini adalah agar informasi (berita) dapat diterima dan dipahami oleh si penerima.
4 general purpose communication cues :
4 tujuan umum komunikasi isyarat :
1. Giving instructions to do the job
1. Memberi instruksi untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan
2. Provides information about  the procedures and implementation of a task
2. Memberi informasi tentang prosedur dan pelaksanaan suatu tugas
3. Provides information about the rationale for a job
3. Memberi informasi dasar pemikiran tentang suatu pekerjaan
4. Provides information on how to achieve goals
4. Memberi informasi cara pencapaian sasaran

Forms of communication cues
Bentuk-Bentuk Komunikasi Isyarat
Traffic signs are grouped into:
Rambu-rambu lalu lintas dikelompokkan menjadi :
1. Rays or light
1. Cahaya atau Sinar
a. Warning Signs
a. Rambu Peringatan
b. Directive Signs 
b. Rambu Petunjuk
c. Prohibition and commands  Signs
c. Rambu Larangan  dan Perintah
2. Voice / Sound, example :whistles, kentongan, and bell
2. Suara / Bunyi, contoh : peluit, kentongan, dan lonceng

Special Communication Cues
1. Semaphore
Semaphore code used to keep the commands to be implemented by the Scoutmaster.
2. Braille letters
Braille letters are used by people who are visually impaired.
3. Morse code
Morse code is also used and studied in the world of scouting or scouting.

Communication technology to communicate with the mediacues are cues. Among others:
light, smoke, whistle, semaphore, sign limbs, etc. Communication cues that are used as codes of gesture.
Teknologi komunikasi isyarat adalah berkomunikasi dengan media isyarat. Antara lain :
cahaya, asap, peluit, semaphore, isyarat anggota badan, dll . Komunikasi isyarat yang digunakan seperti kode-kode isyarat.
Communication Cues has four general purposes:
1.) Giving instructions to do the job
2.) Provide information about procedures and implementation of a task
3.) Provides information about the rationale    for a job, and
4.) Provide information on how to achieve goals
Komunikasi Isyarat memiliki 4 tujuan umum :
1.) Memberi instruksi untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan
2.) Memberi informasi tentang prosedur dan pelaksanaan suatu tugas
3.) Memberi informasi dasar pemikiran tentang suatu pekerjaan, dan
4.) Memberi informasi cara pencapaian sasaran

Forms of communication cues:
1.) Light or flashlight
       a. warning signs
       b. guide signs
       c. Prohibition signs and commands
2.) Voice or sound
       = For instruction time, during the hours that have beendetermined, the bell rang. Example: Whistles or syringe.
Bentuk-bentuk komunikasi Isyarat :
1.) Cahaya atau senter
      a. Rambu peringatan
      b. Rambu petunjuk
      c. Rambu larangan dan perintah
2.) Suara atau bunyi
      = Untuk petunjuk waktu, pada jam-jam yang telah ditentukan,      lonceng berbunyi. Contoh : Peluit atau semprit.
Special Communication Cues:
a.) Semaphore
       = Used to perform the commands executed by theScoutmaster
b.) Letter Braille
       = Usually used by our brothers who are blind
c.) Morse Code
       = Using the pattern of whistle
Komunikasi Isyarat khusus :
a.) Semaphore
      = Digunakan untuk melakukan perintah-perintah yang dilaksanakan oleh regu pramuka
b.) Huruf Braille
      = Biasanya digunakan oleh saudara kita yang tunanetra
c.) Kode Morse
      = Menggunakan pola bunyi peluit
•       BAND
Definition : frequency region
Definisi      : Daerah Frekuensi
•       AM
Definition  : Amplitude Modulation one type of  radio transmission made using  modulation amplitude
Definisi    : Amplitude Modulation salah satu  jenis mode transmisi radio menggunakan modulasi amplitude
•       FM
Definition : Frequency Modulation one type of  transmission made using  frequency modulation
Definisi      : Frequency Modulation salah satu jenis mode transmisi menggunakan modulasi Frekuensi
•       SIMPLEX
Definition :  one-way communication mode
Definisi    : Mode komunikasi satu arah
•       DUPLEX
Definition : Two-way communication; HALF DUPLEX,  using a single channels. FULL DUPLEX,         using two  channels.
Definisi : Mode komunikasi dua arah;. HALF DUPLEX , Menggunakan satu kanal. FULL DUPLEX     menggunakan dua kanal.
•       GSM
Definition : : Global system for Mobile, a wireless communication service
Definisi     : Global system for Mobile, salah satu layanan komunikasi nirkabel.
·           SMS
Definition : Short Message Service, short Messaging service over cellular network.
Definisi : Short Message Service layanan pesan singkat melalui jaringan seluler
·           BROADCAST
Definition : Broadcast
Definition : siaran
•       MMS
Definition : Multimedia Message Service , Multimedia Messaging Service over cellular network
Definisi : Multimedia Message Service layanan pesan multimedia melalui jaringan seluler
•       SIM Card
Definition : memory card for mobile phone subscriber identity
Definisi : Kartu memory untuk identitas                 pelanggan telepon seluler
•       MP3
Definition : standard audio compression format
Definisi : Format kompresi audio standar

•       Ringtone
Definition : ringtones on mobile phone terminals
Definisi : Nada dering pada terminal telepon genggam
•       Polyphonic
Definition ; sound source in a tone much or multi channel
Definisi : Sumber bunyi dengan nada banyak  ( multi kanal)
•       Monophonic
Definition : Sound sources with a single tone
Definisi : Sumber bunyi dengan nada tunggal
•       MP4
Definition: Audio and video compression  format standard
Definisi : Format kompresi audio dan video standar
•       Infrared
Definition : communication data with infrared
Definisi : Komunikasi data dengan infra merah
•       Bluetooth
Definition : Radio communication with Bluetooth protocol
Definisi : Komunikasi radio dengan protokol  Bluetooth
Terms on Voice Communication and Image
Istilah-istilah pada Komunikasi Suara dan Gambar
•       AM (Amplitude Modulation) is one type of mode radio transmissions using amplitude modulation. For radio broadcasts have a range of 530-1500 kHz.
•       AM (Amplitude Modulation) adalah salah satu jenis mode transmisi radio menggunakan modulasi amplitude. Untuk radio siaran mempunyai jangkauan dari 530-1500 kHz.
•       FM (Frequency Modulation) is one type of mode uses frequency modulation radio transmission. For radio broadcasts have a range of 88-108 MHz.
•       FM (Frequency Modulation) adalah salah satu jenis mode transmisi menggunakan modulasi frequency. Untuk radio siaran mempunyai jangkauan dari 88-108 MHz.
•          Duplex is two-way communication mode.
1.Half Duplex : use a single channel, two-way communication be done alternately.
2.Full Duplex : use two channels, two-way communication can be conducted simultaneously.
•          Duplex adalah mode komunikasi dua arah.
                1.Half Duplex : menggunakan satu kanal, komunikasi
                dua arah dilakukan bergantian.
                2.Full Duplex : menggunakan dua kanal, komunikasi
                dua arah dilakukan bersamaan.
•          GSM (Global System for Mobile) is one wireless communication service.
•          GSM (Global System for Mobile) adalah salah satu layanan komunikasi nirkabel.
•          CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is one wireless comunication service.
•          CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) adalah salah  satu layanan komunikasi nirkabel.
•          SMS (Short Message Service) is short messaging services over cellular network.
•          SMS (Short Message Service) adalah layanan pesan singkat melalui jaringan seluler.
•          MMS (Multimedia Message Service) is multimedia messaging service (text,image,voice,video) over cellular network.
•          MMS (Multimedia Message Service) adalah layanan pesan multimedia (teks,gambar,suara,video) melalui jaringan seluler.
•          Band : the frequency
•          Band : daerah frekuensi
•          Simplex : one-way communication mode
•          Simplex : mode komunikasi satu arah
•          Sim Card : memory card for mobile phone subscriber identity.
•          Sim Card :kartu memori untuk identitas pelanggan telepon seluler.
•          MP3 : standard audio compression format.
•          MP3 : format kompresi audio standar.
•          MP4 : audio and video compression format standard.
•          MP4 : format kompresi audio dan video standar.
•          Ringtone : ringtones on mobile phone terminals.
•          Ringtone : nada dering pada terminal telepon genggam.
•          Polyphonic : the source of sounds in a tone of many (multi channel).
•          Polyphonic : sumber bunyi dengan nada banyak.
•          Monophonic : sound source with a single tone
•          Monophonic : sumber bunyi dengan nada tunggal
•          Infrared : data comunication with infrared.
•          Infrared : komunikasi data dengan infra merah
•          Bluetooth : bluetooth radio communication protocol
•          Bluetooth : komunikasi radio dengan protokol bluetooth
Istilah-istilah pada komputer
- Absolute Address
Exact data memory location
- ActiveX
Tools to link applications to the web
- Adware
Software supported by advertisements
- Analog
Data represented by a continuous signal or information
- Applet
A Java program embedded in web page
A program to find files on FTP servers
A character representing an internet user
 A programming language named after Ada Lovelace, who is considered by many to be the first programmer.
Short for abnormal end, and refers to a program stopping prematurely due to a bug, from an IBM System/360 error message. Abend is the German word for evening, and some say ABEND is so-named because it's "what system operators do to the machine late on Friday when they want to call it a day."
The web server from the Apache Software Foundation.
A computer pattern/action language, name made up of the surnames of its authors Alfred V. Aho, Peter J. Weinberger, and Brian W. Kernighan
Network mainline carrying data to smaller lines
Amount of data sent through network
Smallest piece of information, that is, either 1 or 0
A short range wireless technology to connect electronic devices
To start a computer
Sequence of information bits, which equals 8 bits
- B 
A programming language created by Ken Thompson as a revision of the BCPL programming language.
A command to turn on asynchronous email notification on Unix systems. Actually named after a dog at U.C. Berkeley, who would bark when mail was delivered. (The dog belonged to Heidi Stettner, validation of this from Eric Cooper.)
Claude E. Shannon first used the word bit in a 1948 paper. Shannon's bit is a portmanteau word for binary digit (or possibly binary digit). He attributed its origin to John W. Tukey. See Piece of eight.
A programming language created by Ken Thompson and named after his wife Bonnie. However according to an encyclopedia quotation in Bon's manual, it was
Technically classifying, it stores recently visited web addresses, web pages in hard disk/RAM/near processor, depending on cache types, for fast retrieval
Response test that shows if the user is human or not
36 pin parallel interface standard
A machine that computes and is programmable
It is an internet term where the web server sent data records your activities on websites. Some websites record & remember information like your username and password, so you don’t have to type them again.
Removing part of an image or photo
-Cyber Bullying
Harassing or threatening the young via cyberspace
-Cyber Squatter
Someone registering a domain name (without web pages) to sell it
A programming language named because Dennis Ritchie improved on the  language and called it New B. He later called it C. (See also D).
An object-oriented programming language and a successor to the C programming language.C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup called his new language "C with Classes" and then "new C". Because of which the original C began to be called "old C" which was considered insulting to the C community. At this time Rick Mascitti suggested the name C++ as a successor to C. In C the '++' operator increments the value of the variable it is appended to, thus C++ would increment the value of C.
A packet of information that travels between a browser and the web server.
The term was coined by web browser programmer Lou Montulli after the term "magic cookies" used by Unix programmers.
Common Business-Oriented Language
An acronym for Central Processing Unit and is often used to refer to a computer system, such as “That beige box sitting next to my 24” flat screen monitor is
When a user does not specify a setting, a preset value is used
Removing magnetism from a device
Data represented in a series of zeros and ones
Mostly used in video games, it is a set of commands
Network and computers connected to internet
A file that aids computer to connect with the hardware device
A CPU that has 2 processors in a chip
A process in an operating system that runs in the background.
A Linux distribution, a portmanteau of the names Ian Murdock, the Debian Project creator, and Debra Lynn, Ian's then girlfriend and future wife.
A programming language Walter Bright designed as an improved C, avoiding many of the design problems of C (e.g., extensive pointer manipulation, unenforced array boundaries, ...).
A text editor written in 1976, acronym for editor macros.
Unix command that provides information about users logged into a system
From the U.S. Army slang acronym, FUBAR Both foo and bar are used as metasyntatic variables.
A Linux distribution, named after a variety of penguin, the universal Linux mascot.
A project with an original goal of creating a free operating system.
Search engine on the web.
An early distributed document search and retrieval network protocol on the Internet
A Unix command line utility
-Gigabyte (GB)
Equals 1024 megabytes
Measurement for computer processing speed. 1 gigahertz =1000 megahertz
Internet file sharing network
-Golden Master
Final version of software program sent to make retail copies
A sly person who gains illegal access to other people’s computers
-Hard Copy
A document that is printed
Internal and external physical parts of a computer system
-Heat Sink
A metal alloy that absorbs heat from the processor
A network computer that acts as a server to other computers
A tiny display representing files and folders
Red light invisible to naked eye and used in some wireless devices
-Integrated Circuit
A semiconductor chip
A super highway network that connects smaller networks
Internal network within an organisation
-IP Address
It is internet protocol numbers ranging from 0 to 255 and separated by 3 dots. It is assigned to a computer connected to internet by Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Program process repetition
A scripting language developed by Sun Microsystems
A device consisting of base and stick used in video games
Metal bridge to close electrical circuit
A programming language
A programming language (is NOT Java)
Used to give secure network authentication
The foundation layer of an operating system
Key generator that automatically generates  a registration or serial #
Keystrokes recording program that could be used by a hacker to find out passwords
-Kibibyte (KiB)
Exact units of 1024 bytes
-Kilobyte (KB)
Estimated 1000 bytes or 1024 bytes depending on the content in use. Hence, kilobyte has ambiguous units.
Local area network that covers a small area
A file in hard disk
A free software that allows network users to share files
Business social networking site
Operating system developed by Linus Torvalds. It is a popular OS for hosting web servers.
A command/script in form of a key or symbol
Big powerful computer processing mammoth volume at high speed
Programs like virus & Trojan intended to damage computers
Data storage hardware like DVD, CD, HD
-Meta Tag
Tool to store details like keywords & contents of a web page
-Memory Stick
Sony’s flash memory cards
-Name Server
Web domain is referred to IP address by name server
A billionth of a second
A system of connected computers that send and receive data
Anything connected to a network
-Null Value
Something that has no value in programming
State of computer devices that are neither turned on nor connected
State of computer devices that are turned on and connected
-Operating System(OS)
The significant program that runs the computer hardware
Database management program developed by Oracle Corporation
Technique to run a microprocessor faster than intended
Amount of data sent from source to destination
Address of file
-Peer to Peer (P2P)
Connected workstations sharing files without a central server
Any device attached to computer externally
-Phishing (i.e. Password harvesting fishing)
Attempting to garner personal information via emails that seem genuine from banking and popular websites
-Primary Key
A value that mainly identifies a record in a table
CPU having 4 separate processors in a chip
Request of a database in computer
Series of tasks waiting to be done by programs
Denotes standard keyboard because Q,W,E,R,T,Y keys are side by side in the upper left row
-Random Access Memory (RAM)
Memory cells that make up memory module. Data is always loaded from hard disk to RAM since it is faster to read from it. The best method to make your computer work faster is to increase its RAM.  
-Raw Data
Data that is not processed
-Read-only Memory (ROM)
Memory storing hardware information that is not lost when power is turned off
-Real Time
The moment, data is received, it is processed
To restart
Database storing set up, software and hardware configuration information in Windows OS
A device connecting one local area network to another
A series of commands performed by a program
-Serial Port
Interface or connection to peripherals
Mainframe computer that serves other attached computers
Method of using high speed RAM to make computer to work faster
Circuit that can either transmit or receive
A code or program that is read by computer
Unnecessary emails
Non interactive web page
Comprehensive inclusion of hardware, software & firmware items
-Terabyte (TB)
One trillion bytes
An internet computer screen
Data amount processed in a given time
Physical and logical set up of a network
Dangerous virus loaded deceptively through a host program
A command to cancel previous action
-Universal Resource Locator (URL)
Another term for internet address
-Universal Serial Bus (USB)
Computer port that is faster
Web server operating system developed by AT & T
To transfer files from local computer to web server/network
-Virtual Memory
Memory generated by  hard disk sectors when RAM is full
-Virtual Reality
Computer created illusion of reality
A code or program designed to replicate and damage computers
Microsoft’s waveform sound format
A personal journal or blog on the web

Any computer attached to internet
Technology to send higher data rates on old phone system
-XMS(Extended Memory Specification)
Procedure for using extended memory & area  of disk operating system (DOS)
Year 2000; the predicted Millennium Bug that flopped
-Yottabyte (YB)
Largest data storage unit, i.e. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
-Zettabyte (ZB)
1,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 bytes
Compressing files to save space
Digital music entertainment developed by Microsoft

The terms on the Computer
Istilah-istilah pada Komputer
Ô Archive: FTP site that stores files or programs in large quantities.
~ Archive : situs  FTP yang menyimpan file atau program dalam jumlah banyak.
@ Chace : a local storage.
Chace : tempat penyimpanan lokal.
@ Channel: meeting place on IRC where a group can talk together on the internet.
Channel : tempat bertemu di IRC dimana sebuah group dapat ngobrol bersama di internet.
@ Client: a computer that can carry out their duties interact with the main computer, capable of more on a single network.
Client : satu komputer yang dapat menjalankan tugasnya berinteraksi dengan komputer utama, berkemampuan lebih pada satu jaringan.
@ DNS (Domain Name System): a system used for naming the URL address.
DNS (Domain Name System): sistem yang digunakan untuk penamaan alamat URL.
@ Field: a place usually in a form field to enter certain information.
Field : suatu tempat yang biasanya dalam sebuah formulir isian untuk memasukkan informasi tertentu.
@ Freeware: Software or program that can be downloaded from the internet freely.
Freeware : Software atau program yang dapat didownload dari internet secara bebas.

# GIF (Graphical Interchange Format): a file or an image that is used widely on the internet.
GIF  (Graphical Interchange Format) : suatu file atau gambar  yang digunakan secara luas di internet.
# JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) : formats, graphs "official" used in a web page (web page).
JPEG ( Joint Photographic Experts Group ) : format-format  file
grafik “resmi” yang digunakan di halaman web (web page).
^^ Log In: go to a web page that has a very personal or private authority.
Log In : masuk ke sebuah halaman web yang memiliki otoritas sangat pribadi atau rahasia.
^^ Log Out: out of a web page that has a very personal or private authority.
Log Out : keluar dari sebuah halaman web yang memiliki otoritas sangat pribadi atau rahasia.
^^ Modem (Modulator / Demodulator): one of the devices that we must have in order to access the internet.
Modem (Modulator/Demodulator)  : salah satu perangkat yang harus kita miliki agar dapat mengakses internet.
# Online: connected to the Internet (Other computer networks).
Online : terkoneksi ke internet ( jaringan komputer lainnya ).
# Off-line: disconnect from the Internet (Other computer networks).
Off-line : memutuskan koneksi dari internet ( jaringan komputer lainnya ).
# Protocol: a few rules to perform a specific job.
Protocol : beberapa aturan untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan tertentu.
# Server : where to store documents owned web site certain web.
Server : tempat penyimpanan dokumen-dokumen web milik situs web tertentu.
# Shareware: software that can be downloaded and tried before purchased.
Shareware : software yang dapat didownload dan dicoba sebelum dibeli.
# TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol): a sets the network protocol used to exchange information on the internet.
TCP/IP ( Transmision Control Protocol/Internet Protocol ) : satu set protocol jaringan yang digunakan untuk bertukar  informasi  di internet.
Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred through the network within a certain timeframe.
Bandwidth adalah jumlah data yang dapat ditransfer melalui jaringan dalam waktu tertentu.
Alias is another name for the nickname used to chatting on internet.
Alias adalah nama lain untuk nickname yang digunakan dalam mengobrol di internet.
Browser is A program used to access the internet.          
Example: Explorer, Mozila, Opera, MiniMo, dan Nestcape Navigator.
Browser adalah sebuah program untuk mengakses internet.
Contoh: Explorer, Mozila, Opera, MiniMo, dan Nestcape Navigator.
Chatting is a program to chat in internet by using text.
Chatting adalah sebuah program untuk mengobrol di internet dengan menggunakan tulisan.
Cookies is a mechanism used on connection to saving and take the information from internet.
Cookies adalah suatu mekanisme yang dipakai dalam koneksi untuk menyimpan dan mengambil informasi dari internet.
Dial-up program is a program to control the modem and take care of all the processes of communication between the computer and the ISP.
Dial-up program adalah sebuah software untuk mengontrol modem dan mengurusi  semua proses komunikasi antara komputer dan ISP.
Discussion group collection of names of our own to explain each group Newsgroups and mailing lists.
Discussion group adalah kumpulan nama yang kita buat sendiri untuk menjelaskan masing-masing kelompok Newsgroup dan Mailing List.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is documents that contain answers or explanations to the question of a specific subject.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) adalah  dokumen yang berisi jawaban dari pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol that are used extensively on internet.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) adalah suatu aturan yang dipakai secara luas di internet.
HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) language program used to create a web site .
HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) adalah bahasa program yang digunakan untuk memebuat situs web.
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is one of protocol used to exchange information in internet.
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) adalah salah satu aturan yang digunakan untuk bertukar informasi di internet.
Intranet is internet in smaller scale. Usually made for specific companies or organizations.
Intranet adalah  internet dalam skala yang lebih kecil. Biasanya dibuat oleh perusahaan atau organisasi.
ISP (Internet Service Provider) is company providing service connection to internet.
ISP (Internet Service Provider) adalah  perusahaan yang menyediakan jasa layanan koneksi ke internet.
Mailing List is list of  some        e-mail address to facilitate the delivery process order.
Mailing List adalah daftar beberapa alamat e-mail untuk memudahkan proses pengiriman pesan.
Mirror is description a web site whose content copying or duplicating the content of other web sites
Mirror adalah penjelasan suatu situs web yang isinya mengkopi atau menduplikasi isi situs web lain.
Modem is hardware which possible computer can change over the information by using ordinary telephone channel.
Modem adalah hardware  yang memungkingkan komputer dapat bertukar informasi dengan menggunakan saluran telepon biasa.
Netiquette is collection regulation, manner and provisions in socialization in internet.
Netiquette adalah kumpulan peraturan, sopan santun dan ketentuan  dalam bersosialisasi di internet.
Newsgroup is a group discussing same topic in internet.
Newgroups adalah suatu group yang mendiskusikan topik yang sama di internet.
NTTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) is the protocol used to transfer information to newsgroup.
NTTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) adalah protocol yang digunakan untuk mentransfer informasi ke newsgroup.
POP (Post Office Protocol) is protocol to manage and saving messages.
POP (Post Office Protocol) adalah protokol untuk mengurus dan penyimpanan pesan.
Server is place web document belong particular web site. 
Server adalah tempat penyimpanan dokumen-dokumen web milik situs web tertentu.
SPAM is all sorts of annoying messages .
SPAM adalah segala macam pesan yang menjengkelkan.
TCP/IP (Transmision Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a set of network protocol used to exchange information on Internet.
TCP/IP (Transmision Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) adalah satu set protocol jaringan yang digunakan untuk bertukar informasi di internet.
Upload is transferring documents from our computer to the server computer.
Upload adalah menstransfer dokumen dari komputer kita ke komputer server.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is system naming the web site address.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) adalah sistem penamaan alamat situs web.
Web Page is one page of the part of a web site as a whole.
Web Page adalah satu halaman yang merupakan bagian dari sebuah situs web secara keseluruhan.
Web Site is a collection of web pages associated, with each other.
Web Site adalah kumpulan halaman web yang berhubungan, antara satu dengan yang lainnya.
WWW (World Wide Web) is one of the ways how we can exchange information on Internet.
WWW (World Wide Web) adalah salah satu cara yang bagaimana kita dapat saling bertukar informasi di internet.
Browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.
The primary purpose of a web browser is to bring information resources to the user.
The major web browsers are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera.
HTTP is the short of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. HTTP is one of protocol ( rules ) which used for make website.
ISP ( Internet Service Provider )
Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that specifies where a known resource is available and the mechanism for retrieving it.
The goal is to  shows a resource of internet or an adreess of homepage
WWW :: World Wide Web
HTML :: HyperText Mark-up Languange
HTTP :: Hyper Text Transer Protocol
FTP :: File Transfer Protocol
NTTP :: Network News Transer Protocol
POP :: Post Office Protocol
SMTP :: Simple Mail Transer Protocol
IP :: Internet Protocol
Netizen :: Internet Citizen
Netiquette :: Net Etiquitte
FAQ :: Frequently Asked Question
IRC :: Internet Relay Chat
DNS :: Domain Name System
  Alat bantu yang digunakan semakin beragammulai dari surat ,e-mail, telecon ferenceyang dapat mempertemukan orang orangdari jarak jauh melalui tampilan suara dan gambar secara live.
  Computers are tools that can process the information both in textand images displayed on a screen through several processes that exist in some parts of the computer
  Komputer adalah alat yang dapat memproses suatu informasi baik secara tulisan maupun gambar yang ditampilkan dalam suatu layar melalui beberapa proses dalam beberapa bagian yang ada dalam komputer
                EXAMPLE  :        
A.      Computer Hardware Device
B.      Working Principle A Computer
C.      Computer and Communication Technology
D.      CD Interactive (CD-i)
E.       Video Streaming

A.      Computer Hardware Device Computer hardware devices such as :
     Perangkat hardware komputer diantaranya:
÷  1. Keyboard
÷  2. Scaner
÷  3. Central Processing Units
÷  4. Hard disk
÷  5. CD Room
÷  6. Monitor
÷  7. Printer

1) Keyboard
     Is a tool used for the keyboard in   order   to enter data or commands.
 Adalah suatu perangkat yang dipergunakan untuk papan ketik dalam rangka memasukan data maupun perintah.
2) Scanner
is a tool used to scan a form and nature of objects, such as documents, photographs, waves, temperature and others. The results of the scan it will generally be transformed into a computer as digital data.
                merupakan suatu alat yang digunakan untuk memindai suatu bentuk maupun sifat benda, seperti dokumen, foto, gelombang, suhu dan lain-lain. Hasil pemindaian itu pada umumnya akan ditransformasikan ke dalam komputer sebagai data digital
3) Central Processing Units
                Is a device that used for processing data in a store programs.
   Ialah suatu perangkat yang di pergunakan untuk pengolahan data-data dalam menyimpan program-program.
4) Hard disk
Is a hardware component that stores data magnetically secondaryand the disc contains
   ialah sebuah komponen perangkat keras yang menyimpan data sekunder dan berisi piringan magnetis
5) CD Rom
a compact disk (an optical disc used to store data digitally) of typesof optical discs (which can store data. The size of data that can be stored at this time can achieve 700MB or 700 million bytes.
  The tool is designed to be able to write and read data or programthe system via Optical.
                sebuah cakram padat( sebuah piringan optikal yang digunakan untuk menyimpan data secara digital ) dari jenis cakram optik( yang dapat menyimpan data. Ukuran data yang dapat disimpan saat ini bisa mencapai 700MB  atau 700 juta bita.  Alat ini didesain mampu menuliskan dan membaca data atau program melalui sistem Optik.  
6) Monitor
Is a tool used to display everything that was in working in data processing / Opera.  Ialah suatu perangkat yang dipergunakan untuk menampilkan segala sesuatu yang sedang di kerjakan dalam pemrosesan data/infromasi.
7) Printer
                Device that produces output data (output) print the form, whetherit be text or images / graphics. Several    types of printers such as the type dotmatrik, and lasers.
B. Working Principle A Computer
   The word computer is derived from the Latin meaning Computarecount. In English is called to compute. By the definition of computerrendered as a set of electronic tools that work together, can receive data (input), process data (process) and providinginformation (output) as well as coordinated under the controlprogram stored in its memory.
                      Kata komputer berasal dari bahasa Latin yaitu Computare yang artinya menghitung. Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut to compute. Secara definisi komputer diterjemahkan sebagai sekumpulan alat elektronik yang saling bekerja sama, dapat menerima data (input), mengolah data (proses) dan memberikan informasi (output) serta terkoordinasi dibawah kontrol program yang tersimpan di memorinya. Jadi cara kerja komputer dapat kita gambarkan sebagai berikut:
                Basically, modern communications technology equipment includesthree main devices:
                Pada dasarnya peralatan teknologi komunikasi modern meliputi 3 perangkat utama yaitu:         1. Computer
2. Network Communication
 3. net Tools
C. Computer and Communication Technology
1) Computer
                The word computer is derived from the Latin meaning Computarecount. In English is called to compute. By the definition of computerrendered as a set of electronic tools that work together, can receivedata (input), process data (process) and providing information(output) as well as coordinated under the control program stored inits memory.
                                Kata komputer berasal dari bahasa Latin yaitu Computare yang artinya menghitung. Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut to compute. Secara definisi komputer diterjemahkan sebagai sekumpulan alat elektronik yang saling bekerja sama, dapat menerima data (input), mengolah data (proses) dan memberikan informasi (output) serta terkoordinasi dibawah kontrol program yang tersimpan di memorinya.
2) Networking and Communications
                Communication network is a system capable of connecting andcombining several points of communication into a single unit that can interact with each other.
communication devices using the network.
                                Jaringan komunikasi merupakan sebuah sistem yang mampu menghubungkan dan mengga-bungkan beberapa titik komunikasi menjadi satu kesatuan yang mampu berinteraksi antara satu dengan lainnya.
a). Telephone
b). ISDN
c). leased Line
d). Network Communications by Satellite
e). Cellular communication
3) Net Tools
                                Net Tools is a comprehensive set of host monitoring, network scaning ,security , administration tools and much more, all with a highly intuvite user intervace. It’s an ideal tools for those who work in the network security.
D. CD Interactive (CD-i)
  Interactive learning CD is a CD that has a function to provide information. In it there are buttons that can lead to other facilities.
     Pengetian CD interaktif adalah CD pembelajaran yang mempunyai fungsi memberi informasi. Di dalamnya terdapat tombol-tombol yang bisa menuju ke fasilitas lainnya.
E. video Streaming
Video striming is a computer technology as a client-server networkin making the request (request) to send the data in this regard arethe multimedia material (audio, video).
Komputer sebagai alat komunikasi
•          Definisi komputer sebagai alat komunikasi (The definition of  computer as a communication tool)
•          Keuntungan komputer sebagai alat komunikasi (The advantage computer as a communication tool)
•          Kekurangan komputer sebagai alat komunikasi(Lack of computers as a communication tool)

Keuntungan komputer sebagai alat komunikasi
(The advantage computer as a communication tool)
1.Sebagai alat bantu manusia,
                (As a tool of the human,)
2. Tidak pernah merasa lelah dalam membantu manusia,
                (Never get tired of helping human,)
3.Mampu mengolah data dalam jumlah yang besar,
                (Capability to process large amounts of data,)
4. Memiliki kecepatan dan ketelitian yang tinggi dalam mengerjakan fungsinya,
                (Having a high speed and accuracy in doing its function,)
5. Membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru sebagai ahli komputer,
                (Opening a new job field as a computer scientist,)
6. Komputer tidak pernah lelah (mungkin kalau terlalu panas jadi rusak),
                (Computer is never get tired)
7. Memiliki media penyimpanan yang ringkas dan berkapasitas besar,
                (Has a compact storage medium and large capacity,)
Kekurangan komputer sebagai alat komunikasi
(Lack of computers as a communication tool)
1.Berkurangnya tenaga kerja akibat pekerjaannya digantikan oleh komputer,
                (Reduced manpower because his work was replaced by a computer,)
2.Manusia semakin tergantung pada bantuan komputer,
                (Humans are increasingly dependent on computer assistance,)
3.Tagihan listrik bertambah banyak,
                (Electricity bills increased,)
4.Komputer melakukan pekerjaan sesuai dengan perintah manusia,
    bila terdapat kesalahan, komputer tetap mengerjakan kesalahan tersebut.
                (Computers do the work according to the human command, if there are errors, the computer still working these errors.)

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Kamis, 17 Mei 2012


 Cue communication technology is communicate with the media cue (signal), among others : ray / light, smoke, whistles, drums, kentongan, semaphore  (flag), signaling the limbsand so forth.
 Teknologi komunikasi isyarat adalah berkomunikasi dengan media isyarat (sinyal), antara lain : sinar/cahaya, asap, peluit, genderang, kentongan, semaphore, isyarat anggota badan dan sebagainya.
 The purpose of this communication is for information (news) can be accepted and understood by the recipients .
Tujuan komunikasi ini adalah agar informasi (berita) dapat diterima dan dipahami oleh si penerima.
4 general purpose communication cues :
4 tujuan umum komunikasi isyarat :
1. Giving instructions to do the job
1. Memberi instruksi untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan
2. Provides information about  the procedures and implementation of a task
2. Memberi informasi tentang prosedur dan pelaksanaan suatu tugas
3. Provides information about the rationale for a job
3. Memberi informasi dasar pemikiran tentang suatu pekerjaan
4. Provides information on how to achieve goals
4. Memberi informasi cara pencapaian sasaran

Forms of communication cues
Bentuk-Bentuk Komunikasi Isyarat
Traffic signs are grouped into:
Rambu-rambu lalu lintas dikelompokkan menjadi :
1. Rays or light
1. Cahaya atau Sinar
a. Warning Signs
a. Rambu Peringatan
b. Directive Signs 
b. Rambu Petunjuk
c. Prohibition and commands  Signs
c. Rambu Larangan  dan Perintah
2. Voice / Sound, example :whistles, kentongan, and bell
2. Suara / Bunyi, contoh : peluit, kentongan, dan lonceng

Special Communication Cues
1. Semaphore
Semaphore code used to keep the commands to be implemented by the Scoutmaster.
2. Braille letters
Braille letters are used by people who are visually impaired.
3. Morse code
Morse code is also used and studied in the world of scouting or scouting.

Communication technology to communicate with the mediacues are cues. Among others:
light, smoke, whistle, semaphore, sign limbs, etc. Communication cues that are used as codes of gesture.
Teknologi komunikasi isyarat adalah berkomunikasi dengan media isyarat. Antara lain :
cahaya, asap, peluit, semaphore, isyarat anggota badan, dll . Komunikasi isyarat yang digunakan seperti kode-kode isyarat.
Communication Cues has four general purposes:
1.) Giving instructions to do the job
2.) Provide information about procedures and implementation of a task
3.) Provides information about the rationale    for a job, and
4.) Provide information on how to achieve goals
Komunikasi Isyarat memiliki 4 tujuan umum :
1.) Memberi instruksi untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan
2.) Memberi informasi tentang prosedur dan pelaksanaan suatu tugas
3.) Memberi informasi dasar pemikiran tentang suatu pekerjaan, dan
4.) Memberi informasi cara pencapaian sasaran

Forms of communication cues:
1.) Light or flashlight
       a. warning signs
       b. guide signs
       c. Prohibition signs and commands
2.) Voice or sound
       = For instruction time, during the hours that have beendetermined, the bell rang. Example: Whistles or syringe.
Bentuk-bentuk komunikasi Isyarat :
1.) Cahaya atau senter
      a. Rambu peringatan
      b. Rambu petunjuk
      c. Rambu larangan dan perintah
2.) Suara atau bunyi
      = Untuk petunjuk waktu, pada jam-jam yang telah ditentukan,      lonceng berbunyi. Contoh : Peluit atau semprit.
Special Communication Cues:
a.) Semaphore
       = Used to perform the commands executed by theScoutmaster
b.) Letter Braille
       = Usually used by our brothers who are blind
c.) Morse Code
       = Using the pattern of whistle
Komunikasi Isyarat khusus :
a.) Semaphore
      = Digunakan untuk melakukan perintah-perintah yang dilaksanakan oleh regu pramuka
b.) Huruf Braille
      = Biasanya digunakan oleh saudara kita yang tunanetra
c.) Kode Morse
      = Menggunakan pola bunyi peluit
•       BAND
Definition : frequency region
Definisi      : Daerah Frekuensi
•       AM
Definition  : Amplitude Modulation one type of  radio transmission made using  modulation amplitude
Definisi    : Amplitude Modulation salah satu  jenis mode transmisi radio menggunakan modulasi amplitude
•       FM
Definition : Frequency Modulation one type of  transmission made using  frequency modulation
Definisi      : Frequency Modulation salah satu jenis mode transmisi menggunakan modulasi Frekuensi
•       SIMPLEX
Definition :  one-way communication mode
Definisi    : Mode komunikasi satu arah
•       DUPLEX
Definition : Two-way communication; HALF DUPLEX,  using a single channels. FULL DUPLEX,         using two  channels.
Definisi : Mode komunikasi dua arah;. HALF DUPLEX , Menggunakan satu kanal. FULL DUPLEX     menggunakan dua kanal.
•       GSM
Definition : : Global system for Mobile, a wireless communication service
Definisi     : Global system for Mobile, salah satu layanan komunikasi nirkabel.
·           SMS
Definition : Short Message Service, short Messaging service over cellular network.
Definisi : Short Message Service layanan pesan singkat melalui jaringan seluler
·           BROADCAST
Definition : Broadcast
Definition : siaran
•       MMS
Definition : Multimedia Message Service , Multimedia Messaging Service over cellular network
Definisi : Multimedia Message Service layanan pesan multimedia melalui jaringan seluler
•       SIM Card
Definition : memory card for mobile phone subscriber identity
Definisi : Kartu memory untuk identitas                 pelanggan telepon seluler
•       MP3
Definition : standard audio compression format
Definisi : Format kompresi audio standar

•       Ringtone
Definition : ringtones on mobile phone terminals
Definisi : Nada dering pada terminal telepon genggam
•       Polyphonic
Definition ; sound source in a tone much or multi channel
Definisi : Sumber bunyi dengan nada banyak  ( multi kanal)
•       Monophonic
Definition : Sound sources with a single tone
Definisi : Sumber bunyi dengan nada tunggal
•       MP4
Definition: Audio and video compression  format standard
Definisi : Format kompresi audio dan video standar
•       Infrared
Definition : communication data with infrared
Definisi : Komunikasi data dengan infra merah
•       Bluetooth
Definition : Radio communication with Bluetooth protocol
Definisi : Komunikasi radio dengan protokol  Bluetooth
Terms on Voice Communication and Image
Istilah-istilah pada Komunikasi Suara dan Gambar
•       AM (Amplitude Modulation) is one type of mode radio transmissions using amplitude modulation. For radio broadcasts have a range of 530-1500 kHz.
•       AM (Amplitude Modulation) adalah salah satu jenis mode transmisi radio menggunakan modulasi amplitude. Untuk radio siaran mempunyai jangkauan dari 530-1500 kHz.
•       FM (Frequency Modulation) is one type of mode uses frequency modulation radio transmission. For radio broadcasts have a range of 88-108 MHz.
•       FM (Frequency Modulation) adalah salah satu jenis mode transmisi menggunakan modulasi frequency. Untuk radio siaran mempunyai jangkauan dari 88-108 MHz.
•          Duplex is two-way communication mode.
1.Half Duplex : use a single channel, two-way communication be done alternately.
2.Full Duplex : use two channels, two-way communication can be conducted simultaneously.
•          Duplex adalah mode komunikasi dua arah.
                1.Half Duplex : menggunakan satu kanal, komunikasi
                dua arah dilakukan bergantian.
                2.Full Duplex : menggunakan dua kanal, komunikasi
                dua arah dilakukan bersamaan.
•          GSM (Global System for Mobile) is one wireless communication service.
•          GSM (Global System for Mobile) adalah salah satu layanan komunikasi nirkabel.
•          CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is one wireless comunication service.
•          CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) adalah salah  satu layanan komunikasi nirkabel.
•          SMS (Short Message Service) is short messaging services over cellular network.
•          SMS (Short Message Service) adalah layanan pesan singkat melalui jaringan seluler.
•          MMS (Multimedia Message Service) is multimedia messaging service (text,image,voice,video) over cellular network.
•          MMS (Multimedia Message Service) adalah layanan pesan multimedia (teks,gambar,suara,video) melalui jaringan seluler.
•          Band : the frequency
•          Band : daerah frekuensi
•          Simplex : one-way communication mode
•          Simplex : mode komunikasi satu arah
•          Sim Card : memory card for mobile phone subscriber identity.
•          Sim Card :kartu memori untuk identitas pelanggan telepon seluler.
•          MP3 : standard audio compression format.
•          MP3 : format kompresi audio standar.
•          MP4 : audio and video compression format standard.
•          MP4 : format kompresi audio dan video standar.
•          Ringtone : ringtones on mobile phone terminals.
•          Ringtone : nada dering pada terminal telepon genggam.
•          Polyphonic : the source of sounds in a tone of many (multi channel).
•          Polyphonic : sumber bunyi dengan nada banyak.
•          Monophonic : sound source with a single tone
•          Monophonic : sumber bunyi dengan nada tunggal
•          Infrared : data comunication with infrared.
•          Infrared : komunikasi data dengan infra merah
•          Bluetooth : bluetooth radio communication protocol
•          Bluetooth : komunikasi radio dengan protokol bluetooth
Istilah-istilah pada komputer
- Absolute Address
Exact data memory location
- ActiveX
Tools to link applications to the web
- Adware
Software supported by advertisements
- Analog
Data represented by a continuous signal or information
- Applet
A Java program embedded in web page
A program to find files on FTP servers
A character representing an internet user
 A programming language named after Ada Lovelace, who is considered by many to be the first programmer.
Short for abnormal end, and refers to a program stopping prematurely due to a bug, from an IBM System/360 error message. Abend is the German word for evening, and some say ABEND is so-named because it's "what system operators do to the machine late on Friday when they want to call it a day."
The web server from the Apache Software Foundation.
A computer pattern/action language, name made up of the surnames of its authors Alfred V. Aho, Peter J. Weinberger, and Brian W. Kernighan
Network mainline carrying data to smaller lines
Amount of data sent through network
Smallest piece of information, that is, either 1 or 0
A short range wireless technology to connect electronic devices
To start a computer
Sequence of information bits, which equals 8 bits
- B 
A programming language created by Ken Thompson as a revision of the BCPL programming language.
A command to turn on asynchronous email notification on Unix systems. Actually named after a dog at U.C. Berkeley, who would bark when mail was delivered. (The dog belonged to Heidi Stettner, validation of this from Eric Cooper.)
Claude E. Shannon first used the word bit in a 1948 paper. Shannon's bit is a portmanteau word for binary digit (or possibly binary digit). He attributed its origin to John W. Tukey. See Piece of eight.
A programming language created by Ken Thompson and named after his wife Bonnie. However according to an encyclopedia quotation in Bon's manual, it was
Technically classifying, it stores recently visited web addresses, web pages in hard disk/RAM/near processor, depending on cache types, for fast retrieval
Response test that shows if the user is human or not
36 pin parallel interface standard
A machine that computes and is programmable
It is an internet term where the web server sent data records your activities on websites. Some websites record & remember information like your username and password, so you don’t have to type them again.
Removing part of an image or photo
-Cyber Bullying
Harassing or threatening the young via cyberspace
-Cyber Squatter
Someone registering a domain name (without web pages) to sell it
A programming language named because Dennis Ritchie improved on the  language and called it New B. He later called it C. (See also D).
An object-oriented programming language and a successor to the C programming language.C++ creator Bjarne Stroustrup called his new language "C with Classes" and then "new C". Because of which the original C began to be called "old C" which was considered insulting to the C community. At this time Rick Mascitti suggested the name C++ as a successor to C. In C the '++' operator increments the value of the variable it is appended to, thus C++ would increment the value of C.
A packet of information that travels between a browser and the web server.
The term was coined by web browser programmer Lou Montulli after the term "magic cookies" used by Unix programmers.
Common Business-Oriented Language
An acronym for Central Processing Unit and is often used to refer to a computer system, such as “That beige box sitting next to my 24” flat screen monitor is
When a user does not specify a setting, a preset value is used
Removing magnetism from a device
Data represented in a series of zeros and ones
Mostly used in video games, it is a set of commands
Network and computers connected to internet
A file that aids computer to connect with the hardware device
A CPU that has 2 processors in a chip
A process in an operating system that runs in the background.
A Linux distribution, a portmanteau of the names Ian Murdock, the Debian Project creator, and Debra Lynn, Ian's then girlfriend and future wife.
A programming language Walter Bright designed as an improved C, avoiding many of the design problems of C (e.g., extensive pointer manipulation, unenforced array boundaries, ...).
A text editor written in 1976, acronym for editor macros.
Unix command that provides information about users logged into a system
From the U.S. Army slang acronym, FUBAR Both foo and bar are used as metasyntatic variables.
A Linux distribution, named after a variety of penguin, the universal Linux mascot.
A project with an original goal of creating a free operating system.
Search engine on the web.
An early distributed document search and retrieval network protocol on the Internet
A Unix command line utility
-Gigabyte (GB)
Equals 1024 megabytes
Measurement for computer processing speed. 1 gigahertz =1000 megahertz
Internet file sharing network
-Golden Master
Final version of software program sent to make retail copies
A sly person who gains illegal access to other people’s computers
-Hard Copy
A document that is printed
Internal and external physical parts of a computer system
-Heat Sink
A metal alloy that absorbs heat from the processor
A network computer that acts as a server to other computers
A tiny display representing files and folders
Red light invisible to naked eye and used in some wireless devices
-Integrated Circuit
A semiconductor chip
A super highway network that connects smaller networks
Internal network within an organisation
-IP Address
It is internet protocol numbers ranging from 0 to 255 and separated by 3 dots. It is assigned to a computer connected to internet by Internet Service Provider (ISP).
Program process repetition
A scripting language developed by Sun Microsystems
A device consisting of base and stick used in video games
Metal bridge to close electrical circuit
A programming language
A programming language (is NOT Java)
Used to give secure network authentication
The foundation layer of an operating system
Key generator that automatically generates  a registration or serial #
Keystrokes recording program that could be used by a hacker to find out passwords
-Kibibyte (KiB)
Exact units of 1024 bytes
-Kilobyte (KB)
Estimated 1000 bytes or 1024 bytes depending on the content in use. Hence, kilobyte has ambiguous units.
Local area network that covers a small area
A file in hard disk
A free software that allows network users to share files
Business social networking site
Operating system developed by Linus Torvalds. It is a popular OS for hosting web servers.
A command/script in form of a key or symbol
Big powerful computer processing mammoth volume at high speed
Programs like virus & Trojan intended to damage computers
Data storage hardware like DVD, CD, HD
-Meta Tag
Tool to store details like keywords & contents of a web page
-Memory Stick
Sony’s flash memory cards
-Name Server
Web domain is referred to IP address by name server
A billionth of a second
A system of connected computers that send and receive data
Anything connected to a network
-Null Value
Something that has no value in programming
State of computer devices that are neither turned on nor connected
State of computer devices that are turned on and connected
-Operating System(OS)
The significant program that runs the computer hardware
Database management program developed by Oracle Corporation
Technique to run a microprocessor faster than intended
Amount of data sent from source to destination
Address of file
-Peer to Peer (P2P)
Connected workstations sharing files without a central server
Any device attached to computer externally
-Phishing (i.e. Password harvesting fishing)
Attempting to garner personal information via emails that seem genuine from banking and popular websites
-Primary Key
A value that mainly identifies a record in a table
CPU having 4 separate processors in a chip
Request of a database in computer
Series of tasks waiting to be done by programs
Denotes standard keyboard because Q,W,E,R,T,Y keys are side by side in the upper left row
-Random Access Memory (RAM)
Memory cells that make up memory module. Data is always loaded from hard disk to RAM since it is faster to read from it. The best method to make your computer work faster is to increase its RAM.  
-Raw Data
Data that is not processed
-Read-only Memory (ROM)
Memory storing hardware information that is not lost when power is turned off
-Real Time
The moment, data is received, it is processed
To restart
Database storing set up, software and hardware configuration information in Windows OS
A device connecting one local area network to another
A series of commands performed by a program
-Serial Port
Interface or connection to peripherals
Mainframe computer that serves other attached computers
Method of using high speed RAM to make computer to work faster
Circuit that can either transmit or receive
A code or program that is read by computer
Unnecessary emails
Non interactive web page
Comprehensive inclusion of hardware, software & firmware items
-Terabyte (TB)
One trillion bytes
An internet computer screen
Data amount processed in a given time
Physical and logical set up of a network
Dangerous virus loaded deceptively through a host program
A command to cancel previous action
-Universal Resource Locator (URL)
Another term for internet address
-Universal Serial Bus (USB)
Computer port that is faster
Web server operating system developed by AT & T
To transfer files from local computer to web server/network
-Virtual Memory
Memory generated by  hard disk sectors when RAM is full
-Virtual Reality
Computer created illusion of reality
A code or program designed to replicate and damage computers
Microsoft’s waveform sound format
A personal journal or blog on the web

Any computer attached to internet
Technology to send higher data rates on old phone system
-XMS(Extended Memory Specification)
Procedure for using extended memory & area  of disk operating system (DOS)
Year 2000; the predicted Millennium Bug that flopped
-Yottabyte (YB)
Largest data storage unit, i.e. 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 bytes
-Zettabyte (ZB)
1,000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000 bytes
Compressing files to save space
Digital music entertainment developed by Microsoft

The terms on the Computer
Istilah-istilah pada Komputer
Ô Archive: FTP site that stores files or programs in large quantities.
~ Archive : situs  FTP yang menyimpan file atau program dalam jumlah banyak.
@ Chace : a local storage.
Chace : tempat penyimpanan lokal.
@ Channel: meeting place on IRC where a group can talk together on the internet.
Channel : tempat bertemu di IRC dimana sebuah group dapat ngobrol bersama di internet.
@ Client: a computer that can carry out their duties interact with the main computer, capable of more on a single network.
Client : satu komputer yang dapat menjalankan tugasnya berinteraksi dengan komputer utama, berkemampuan lebih pada satu jaringan.
@ DNS (Domain Name System): a system used for naming the URL address.
DNS (Domain Name System): sistem yang digunakan untuk penamaan alamat URL.
@ Field: a place usually in a form field to enter certain information.
Field : suatu tempat yang biasanya dalam sebuah formulir isian untuk memasukkan informasi tertentu.
@ Freeware: Software or program that can be downloaded from the internet freely.
Freeware : Software atau program yang dapat didownload dari internet secara bebas.

# GIF (Graphical Interchange Format): a file or an image that is used widely on the internet.
GIF  (Graphical Interchange Format) : suatu file atau gambar  yang digunakan secara luas di internet.
# JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) : formats, graphs "official" used in a web page (web page).
JPEG ( Joint Photographic Experts Group ) : format-format  file
grafik “resmi” yang digunakan di halaman web (web page).
^^ Log In: go to a web page that has a very personal or private authority.
Log In : masuk ke sebuah halaman web yang memiliki otoritas sangat pribadi atau rahasia.
^^ Log Out: out of a web page that has a very personal or private authority.
Log Out : keluar dari sebuah halaman web yang memiliki otoritas sangat pribadi atau rahasia.
^^ Modem (Modulator / Demodulator): one of the devices that we must have in order to access the internet.
Modem (Modulator/Demodulator)  : salah satu perangkat yang harus kita miliki agar dapat mengakses internet.
# Online: connected to the Internet (Other computer networks).
Online : terkoneksi ke internet ( jaringan komputer lainnya ).
# Off-line: disconnect from the Internet (Other computer networks).
Off-line : memutuskan koneksi dari internet ( jaringan komputer lainnya ).
# Protocol: a few rules to perform a specific job.
Protocol : beberapa aturan untuk melakukan suatu pekerjaan tertentu.
# Server : where to store documents owned web site certain web.
Server : tempat penyimpanan dokumen-dokumen web milik situs web tertentu.
# Shareware: software that can be downloaded and tried before purchased.
Shareware : software yang dapat didownload dan dicoba sebelum dibeli.
# TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol): a sets the network protocol used to exchange information on the internet.
TCP/IP ( Transmision Control Protocol/Internet Protocol ) : satu set protocol jaringan yang digunakan untuk bertukar  informasi  di internet.
Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred through the network within a certain timeframe.
Bandwidth adalah jumlah data yang dapat ditransfer melalui jaringan dalam waktu tertentu.
Alias is another name for the nickname used to chatting on internet.
Alias adalah nama lain untuk nickname yang digunakan dalam mengobrol di internet.
Browser is A program used to access the internet.          
Example: Explorer, Mozila, Opera, MiniMo, dan Nestcape Navigator.
Browser adalah sebuah program untuk mengakses internet.
Contoh: Explorer, Mozila, Opera, MiniMo, dan Nestcape Navigator.
Chatting is a program to chat in internet by using text.
Chatting adalah sebuah program untuk mengobrol di internet dengan menggunakan tulisan.
Cookies is a mechanism used on connection to saving and take the information from internet.
Cookies adalah suatu mekanisme yang dipakai dalam koneksi untuk menyimpan dan mengambil informasi dari internet.
Dial-up program is a program to control the modem and take care of all the processes of communication between the computer and the ISP.
Dial-up program adalah sebuah software untuk mengontrol modem dan mengurusi  semua proses komunikasi antara komputer dan ISP.
Discussion group collection of names of our own to explain each group Newsgroups and mailing lists.
Discussion group adalah kumpulan nama yang kita buat sendiri untuk menjelaskan masing-masing kelompok Newsgroup dan Mailing List.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is documents that contain answers or explanations to the question of a specific subject.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) adalah  dokumen yang berisi jawaban dari pertanyaan yang sering ditanyakan.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a protocol that are used extensively on internet.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) adalah suatu aturan yang dipakai secara luas di internet.
HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) language program used to create a web site .
HTML (Hyper Text Mark-up Language) adalah bahasa program yang digunakan untuk memebuat situs web.
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) is one of protocol used to exchange information in internet.
HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) adalah salah satu aturan yang digunakan untuk bertukar informasi di internet.
Intranet is internet in smaller scale. Usually made for specific companies or organizations.
Intranet adalah  internet dalam skala yang lebih kecil. Biasanya dibuat oleh perusahaan atau organisasi.
ISP (Internet Service Provider) is company providing service connection to internet.
ISP (Internet Service Provider) adalah  perusahaan yang menyediakan jasa layanan koneksi ke internet.
Mailing List is list of  some        e-mail address to facilitate the delivery process order.
Mailing List adalah daftar beberapa alamat e-mail untuk memudahkan proses pengiriman pesan.
Mirror is description a web site whose content copying or duplicating the content of other web sites
Mirror adalah penjelasan suatu situs web yang isinya mengkopi atau menduplikasi isi situs web lain.
Modem is hardware which possible computer can change over the information by using ordinary telephone channel.
Modem adalah hardware  yang memungkingkan komputer dapat bertukar informasi dengan menggunakan saluran telepon biasa.
Netiquette is collection regulation, manner and provisions in socialization in internet.
Netiquette adalah kumpulan peraturan, sopan santun dan ketentuan  dalam bersosialisasi di internet.
Newsgroup is a group discussing same topic in internet.
Newgroups adalah suatu group yang mendiskusikan topik yang sama di internet.
NTTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) is the protocol used to transfer information to newsgroup.
NTTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) adalah protocol yang digunakan untuk mentransfer informasi ke newsgroup.
POP (Post Office Protocol) is protocol to manage and saving messages.
POP (Post Office Protocol) adalah protokol untuk mengurus dan penyimpanan pesan.
Server is place web document belong particular web site. 
Server adalah tempat penyimpanan dokumen-dokumen web milik situs web tertentu.
SPAM is all sorts of annoying messages .
SPAM adalah segala macam pesan yang menjengkelkan.
TCP/IP (Transmision Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) is a set of network protocol used to exchange information on Internet.
TCP/IP (Transmision Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) adalah satu set protocol jaringan yang digunakan untuk bertukar informasi di internet.
Upload is transferring documents from our computer to the server computer.
Upload adalah menstransfer dokumen dari komputer kita ke komputer server.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is system naming the web site address.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) adalah sistem penamaan alamat situs web.
Web Page is one page of the part of a web site as a whole.
Web Page adalah satu halaman yang merupakan bagian dari sebuah situs web secara keseluruhan.
Web Site is a collection of web pages associated, with each other.
Web Site adalah kumpulan halaman web yang berhubungan, antara satu dengan yang lainnya.
WWW (World Wide Web) is one of the ways how we can exchange information on Internet.
WWW (World Wide Web) adalah salah satu cara yang bagaimana kita dapat saling bertukar informasi di internet.
Browser is a software application for retrieving, presenting, and traversing information resources on the World Wide Web.
The primary purpose of a web browser is to bring information resources to the user.
The major web browsers are Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera.
HTTP is the short of Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. HTTP is one of protocol ( rules ) which used for make website.
ISP ( Internet Service Provider )
Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL) is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that specifies where a known resource is available and the mechanism for retrieving it.
The goal is to  shows a resource of internet or an adreess of homepage
WWW :: World Wide Web
HTML :: HyperText Mark-up Languange
HTTP :: Hyper Text Transer Protocol
FTP :: File Transfer Protocol
NTTP :: Network News Transer Protocol
POP :: Post Office Protocol
SMTP :: Simple Mail Transer Protocol
IP :: Internet Protocol
Netizen :: Internet Citizen
Netiquette :: Net Etiquitte
FAQ :: Frequently Asked Question
IRC :: Internet Relay Chat
DNS :: Domain Name System
  Alat bantu yang digunakan semakin beragammulai dari surat ,e-mail, telecon ferenceyang dapat mempertemukan orang orangdari jarak jauh melalui tampilan suara dan gambar secara live.
  Computers are tools that can process the information both in textand images displayed on a screen through several processes that exist in some parts of the computer
  Komputer adalah alat yang dapat memproses suatu informasi baik secara tulisan maupun gambar yang ditampilkan dalam suatu layar melalui beberapa proses dalam beberapa bagian yang ada dalam komputer
                EXAMPLE  :        
A.      Computer Hardware Device
B.      Working Principle A Computer
C.      Computer and Communication Technology
D.      CD Interactive (CD-i)
E.       Video Streaming

A.      Computer Hardware Device Computer hardware devices such as :
     Perangkat hardware komputer diantaranya:
÷  1. Keyboard
÷  2. Scaner
÷  3. Central Processing Units
÷  4. Hard disk
÷  5. CD Room
÷  6. Monitor
÷  7. Printer

1) Keyboard
     Is a tool used for the keyboard in   order   to enter data or commands.
 Adalah suatu perangkat yang dipergunakan untuk papan ketik dalam rangka memasukan data maupun perintah.
2) Scanner
is a tool used to scan a form and nature of objects, such as documents, photographs, waves, temperature and others. The results of the scan it will generally be transformed into a computer as digital data.
                merupakan suatu alat yang digunakan untuk memindai suatu bentuk maupun sifat benda, seperti dokumen, foto, gelombang, suhu dan lain-lain. Hasil pemindaian itu pada umumnya akan ditransformasikan ke dalam komputer sebagai data digital
3) Central Processing Units
                Is a device that used for processing data in a store programs.
   Ialah suatu perangkat yang di pergunakan untuk pengolahan data-data dalam menyimpan program-program.
4) Hard disk
Is a hardware component that stores data magnetically secondaryand the disc contains
   ialah sebuah komponen perangkat keras yang menyimpan data sekunder dan berisi piringan magnetis
5) CD Rom
a compact disk (an optical disc used to store data digitally) of typesof optical discs (which can store data. The size of data that can be stored at this time can achieve 700MB or 700 million bytes.
  The tool is designed to be able to write and read data or programthe system via Optical.
                sebuah cakram padat( sebuah piringan optikal yang digunakan untuk menyimpan data secara digital ) dari jenis cakram optik( yang dapat menyimpan data. Ukuran data yang dapat disimpan saat ini bisa mencapai 700MB  atau 700 juta bita.  Alat ini didesain mampu menuliskan dan membaca data atau program melalui sistem Optik.  
6) Monitor
Is a tool used to display everything that was in working in data processing / Opera.  Ialah suatu perangkat yang dipergunakan untuk menampilkan segala sesuatu yang sedang di kerjakan dalam pemrosesan data/infromasi.
7) Printer
                Device that produces output data (output) print the form, whetherit be text or images / graphics. Several    types of printers such as the type dotmatrik, and lasers.
B. Working Principle A Computer
   The word computer is derived from the Latin meaning Computarecount. In English is called to compute. By the definition of computerrendered as a set of electronic tools that work together, can receive data (input), process data (process) and providinginformation (output) as well as coordinated under the controlprogram stored in its memory.
                      Kata komputer berasal dari bahasa Latin yaitu Computare yang artinya menghitung. Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut to compute. Secara definisi komputer diterjemahkan sebagai sekumpulan alat elektronik yang saling bekerja sama, dapat menerima data (input), mengolah data (proses) dan memberikan informasi (output) serta terkoordinasi dibawah kontrol program yang tersimpan di memorinya. Jadi cara kerja komputer dapat kita gambarkan sebagai berikut:
                Basically, modern communications technology equipment includesthree main devices:
                Pada dasarnya peralatan teknologi komunikasi modern meliputi 3 perangkat utama yaitu:         1. Computer
2. Network Communication
 3. net Tools
C. Computer and Communication Technology
1) Computer
                The word computer is derived from the Latin meaning Computarecount. In English is called to compute. By the definition of computerrendered as a set of electronic tools that work together, can receivedata (input), process data (process) and providing information(output) as well as coordinated under the control program stored inits memory.
                                Kata komputer berasal dari bahasa Latin yaitu Computare yang artinya menghitung. Dalam bahasa Inggris disebut to compute. Secara definisi komputer diterjemahkan sebagai sekumpulan alat elektronik yang saling bekerja sama, dapat menerima data (input), mengolah data (proses) dan memberikan informasi (output) serta terkoordinasi dibawah kontrol program yang tersimpan di memorinya.
2) Networking and Communications
                Communication network is a system capable of connecting andcombining several points of communication into a single unit that can interact with each other.
communication devices using the network.
                                Jaringan komunikasi merupakan sebuah sistem yang mampu menghubungkan dan mengga-bungkan beberapa titik komunikasi menjadi satu kesatuan yang mampu berinteraksi antara satu dengan lainnya.
a). Telephone
b). ISDN
c). leased Line
d). Network Communications by Satellite
e). Cellular communication
3) Net Tools
                                Net Tools is a comprehensive set of host monitoring, network scaning ,security , administration tools and much more, all with a highly intuvite user intervace. It’s an ideal tools for those who work in the network security.
D. CD Interactive (CD-i)
  Interactive learning CD is a CD that has a function to provide information. In it there are buttons that can lead to other facilities.
     Pengetian CD interaktif adalah CD pembelajaran yang mempunyai fungsi memberi informasi. Di dalamnya terdapat tombol-tombol yang bisa menuju ke fasilitas lainnya.
E. video Streaming
Video striming is a computer technology as a client-server networkin making the request (request) to send the data in this regard arethe multimedia material (audio, video).
Komputer sebagai alat komunikasi
•          Definisi komputer sebagai alat komunikasi (The definition of  computer as a communication tool)
•          Keuntungan komputer sebagai alat komunikasi (The advantage computer as a communication tool)
•          Kekurangan komputer sebagai alat komunikasi(Lack of computers as a communication tool)

Keuntungan komputer sebagai alat komunikasi
(The advantage computer as a communication tool)
1.Sebagai alat bantu manusia,
                (As a tool of the human,)
2. Tidak pernah merasa lelah dalam membantu manusia,
                (Never get tired of helping human,)
3.Mampu mengolah data dalam jumlah yang besar,
                (Capability to process large amounts of data,)
4. Memiliki kecepatan dan ketelitian yang tinggi dalam mengerjakan fungsinya,
                (Having a high speed and accuracy in doing its function,)
5. Membuka lapangan pekerjaan baru sebagai ahli komputer,
                (Opening a new job field as a computer scientist,)
6. Komputer tidak pernah lelah (mungkin kalau terlalu panas jadi rusak),
                (Computer is never get tired)
7. Memiliki media penyimpanan yang ringkas dan berkapasitas besar,
                (Has a compact storage medium and large capacity,)
Kekurangan komputer sebagai alat komunikasi
(Lack of computers as a communication tool)
1.Berkurangnya tenaga kerja akibat pekerjaannya digantikan oleh komputer,
                (Reduced manpower because his work was replaced by a computer,)
2.Manusia semakin tergantung pada bantuan komputer,
                (Humans are increasingly dependent on computer assistance,)
3.Tagihan listrik bertambah banyak,
                (Electricity bills increased,)
4.Komputer melakukan pekerjaan sesuai dengan perintah manusia,
    bila terdapat kesalahan, komputer tetap mengerjakan kesalahan tersebut.
                (Computers do the work according to the human command, if there are errors, the computer still working these errors.)

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